Frequently Ask Question | Montreal et Laval

Frequently Ask Question | Montreal et Laval

Sharif one day, Sharif all days!

Opening hours

Monday to Friday: 9:30 AM to 5:30 PM
Saturday: 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM
Sunday: Closed
Cash and debit card

Contact info

Mobile:514 561-6408

What payment method can I use at your exchange office?

We accept cash and debit cards.

Will I have to pay a commission or fee for my transaction at your currency exchange?

No. You will not be charged any fees or commissions for your transactions.

What exchange rate do I pay for my transactions?

Our rates are quoted in Canadian dollars. For a complete list of our rates, please see the Rates page. These rates may fluctuate throughout the day.

Can I cancel a foreign exchange transaction?

Yes, but if the transaction is entered into the system, a cancellation fee will be charged.

Do I have to order in advance?

We always keep a large balance of most foreign currencies in stock, so there is no need to order. However, if you want to make sure that a currency is available for a significant amount, please contact us before your visit.

What information do I need to open a customer account?

When you register, we will ask you for identification, such as your passport, driver’s license or health insurance card, along with a phone number and your home address.